Work:  Web Design
Client:  3Doodler
Year:  2024

Faraz Warsi - Design

When Plastic Meets Bagel

Time is rarely on your side in this game, but here it was looming over me like a piano tenuously hanging out a window. Fresh off a successful Kickstarter—and after months of internal deliberation—it was belatedly decided that our highly anticipated Sugar Pen would, in fact, need a dedicated digital home, and for a variety of reasons, wanted to move in yesterday.

By the time the final design was signed off on, my development runway was less than a week. So, over a long, caffeinated holiday weekend, I decided to bunker down and turn it around in full to ensure I had headroom for any revisions. To my wondrous surprise, few, if any, were needed.


chefdoodler model 3d printing pen
gingerbread house 3d printing pen
chefdoodler eiffel cake
3doodler chefdoodler web cakes
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